Search Engines

A search engine is designed to search for information on the internet. Search engine presents the search results in the form of a search results list. The search results can be web pages, images, videos, and other type of files.

To gather and present the searched information, each search engines has their own algorithm, or combination of algorithmic and human input. is currently the most popular and frequently used search engine.

Web Browsers / Internet Browsers

A Web Browser is a type of software that retrieves and presents information resources on the internet. The information resource can be text, image, sound, video, or other type of content.

In a simple way, we can describe a web browser as a type of software that we use to ‘surf’ the internet.

These are some examples of web browsers, each with their own plus and minuses:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari
- Google Chrome

Types of Internet Connections

There are several types of internet connections.

- Analog/Dial-Up
- ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
- Cable
- Wireless Internet Connections/Wireless Broadband
- T-1 Lines
- T-3 Lines
- Satellite (Internet over Satellite/IoS)
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